Welcome to V.B.P.S.

Draft Emergency Response Plan

The Vide Bouteille Primary School along with the other schools in the district are currently in the process of forming an Emergency Response Committee.  The Vide Bouteille Primary School is leading this charge with the release of our Draft Emergency Response Plan which acts as a guide for the school into the way the assigned staff, students and all other persons present at the school will handle an emergency and or disaster.

In an effort to help prepare staff and students for the occurrence of such emergencies and or /disasters the school will be holding periodic emergency drills.  Some of which you may or may not be informed of and some of which may require your participation.

Below we have highlighted some information regarding our emergency protocol that must be adhered to in case such an emergency or disaster arises.

At present there are three types of emergencies that will be highlighted here,

  • The first would be a disaster/emergency that would require us evacuating the classes and possibly the school.  This type of emergency/disaster will be made known to the school via two sharp (in quick succession) blasts from the emergency horn.  Staff, students and all other persons present will evacuate and assemble under the vestibule or the space where Monday Assembly is held from and await further instruction.
  • The second would be a disaster/emergency that would require immediate evacuation of the school.  This type of emergency/disaster will be made known to the school via one continuous blast from the emergency horn.  Staff, students and all other persons present will evacuate their classes and the school and head to the designated assemble points.  At present there are three designated assemble points.  In case of a tsunami (the top of Active Hill), A fire (The yard of the Secondary school or the La Clery Playing Field)
  • The third would be a disaster/emergency requiring staff, students and all other persons present to find themselves in a classroom and lock (lock down).  This type of emergency/disaster will be made known to the school via the sound of an emergency whistle. 

We ask that you pay very special attention to the information above as you will never know when a drill or an actual emergency/disaster may occur.

NB.  In the case of a real emergency students will only be released to parents that the teacher(s) are familiar with or ID will have to be presented or a photo would have to be taken and a signature given.  This is all in an effort to keep our children safe.

Discipline Policy